Our pride Bollywood actress Vidya Balan may act in the heroine role of Mammootty in the film ‘Kunjananthante Kada’. National award winner Salim Ahmed is the director of the film. Reports are saying that Vidya Balan is doing the heroine role. But it is not yet confirmed. Sound Mixing by Oscar award winner Raool Pookutty and camera by Madhu Ambatt.
Vidya Balan May Come in Heroine role of Mammootty
vidya balan malayalam movie kunjananthante kada newsvidya balan mammootty latest malayalam movie newsvidya balan mammootty latest movie newsvidya balan mammootty latest newsvidya balan mammootty malayalam movie kunjananthante kada newsvidya balan mammootty malayalam movie newsVidya Balan May Come in Heroine role of Mammoottyvidya balan movie kunjananthante kada news
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