Telugu star and son of Chiranjeevi Ram Charan Teja is going to marry his long term girl friend Upasana Kamineni. Upasana is from the family of renowned Apollo Group. The marriage date is fixed on June14. Tollywood is eagerly looking for the marriage with full of excitement because it will be Telugana’s most memorable marriage. The invitation list includes film stars, political bigwigs and business tycoons. As per reports, Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi are also expected to attend the wedding.
Telugu Actor Star Ram Charan Weds Upasana Kamineni
latest news ram charan teja marriageram charan teja marriageram charan teja marriage detailsram charan teja marriage newsram charan teja marriage photosram charan teja marriedram charan teja upasana kamineniram charan teja upasana kamineni marriage newsram charan teja upasana kamineni picsram charan teja upasana kamineni wedding newsram charan teja wedding cardram charan teja wedding dateram charan teja wedding newsram charan teja wedding picsram charan teja wedding picturesram charan teja wife photosTelugu Actor Star Ram Charan Weds Upasana Kamineni
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