Sruthi Nair And Maria John Debuts In Malayalam

Maria John sruthi miss kerala2011Maria John sruthi miss kerala2011
Miss Kerala 2011 runners up, Sruthi Nair and Maria John will start their new carrier in the Malayalam Film Industry through the new movie “Dolls”. New comer, Shahlil Kalloor is debuting in the movie as director. Both the beauties are much excited about the unexpected invitation from the industry and hopes to continue here. Shooting will be commenced next year,february. Sruthi Nair is Cochin native and Maria John is from Pune. MAria John is a famous face in the modelling field. On October 8th in The Miss Kerala 2011 conducted at Le Meridian, both were chosen as Kerala beauties. lets hope both of them have a bright carrier in the film field. All the best, beauties.


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