Archana Kavi is coming back to Malayalam after a short gap. That short gap is because she was doing the role of an anchor in Asianet channel. Now she is coming back to big screen through the film ‘Honeybee’. Archana is doing the role of an Anglo Indian girl ‘Sara’. Jeen Lal is the director of the film. He is the son of producer, director and actor Lal. The shooting will be commencing on February at Cochin.
Archana In The Role Of Anglo Indian Girl
archana kavi latest malayalam movie newsarchana kavi latest movie newsarchana kavi latest newsarchana kavi malayalam film latest newsarchana kavi malayalam movie latest newsarchana kavi malayalam movie new newsarchana kavi malayalam movie newsarchana kavi movie newsarchana kavi new malayalam movie newsarchana kavi new movie newsarchana kavi news
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