Santiago: A forest fire in the South American country of Chile has claimed the lives of 23 people. Small and big forest fires are burning in 76 places. Extreme summers and heat have added to the spread of wildfires. The government extended the state of emergency to various places in the country. 979 people were injured in the forest fire. 1100 people have been shifted to relief camps. In addition to Biobio and Nuble regions, the state of emergency has also been extended to Araucania in the southern region. Home Affairs Minister Karolina Toha said adverse weather conditions are delaying forest fire control. The temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius.
Many houses and farms have been destroyed in the forest fire. Areas where apple, grape and berry orchards are located are the most affected. Countries like the US, Spain, Argentina, Ecuador, Brazil and Venezuela have offered help to put out the forest fires.