Paris: Vaccination is essential for resistance to the Covid epidemic. However, those who have taken two doses of the vaccine have more than one case of covid. Therefore, there is still skepticism about the effectiveness of the vaccine against Covid.
The latest study on the subject suggests that the vaccine may be effective against Covid. The study was conducted by a research team working in collaboration with the French government. The study also suggests that the vaccine may be effective against the Delta variant, which may increase the spread of the disease. The researchers collected data from millions of patients in the US, UK, and Israel.
Vaccines such as Pfizer / Biontech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca were considered for the study. The study found that the vaccine could save about 90 percent of individuals from contracting covid 14 days after receiving the second dose. Covid can be caught even if the vaccine is taken in two doses. However, the vaccine can stave off exacerbation and death.
Vaccines can guarantee 84 percent safety for people aged 75 and over. The study also found that 92 percent of people between the ages of five and seventy-five can be guaranteed safety.