The whole world is in awe of coronavirus. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) sought help from WhatsApp on Saturday to deal with fake news and information. Health Alert launched on WhatsApp, the world’s most used social app 150 million users can ask questions about coronavirus. Additionally, 24/7 WhatsApp users will be able to access new, reliable information about the coronavirus.
WhatsApp said in a statement, “It will help governments make decisions based on the latest data and situation reports.” Add +41 79 893 1892 to the phone contact list to contact the World Health Organization’s Health Alert. Then send the text ‘Hi’ to this WhatsApp number to receive an alert. With this, the messages begin to come.
The WHO Health Alert will provide official information on topics such as how to protect yourself from infection, travel advice and the elimination of new coronavirus myths. The service was initially launched in English but will be available in five other languages in the coming weeks (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.)
Digital technology provides an unprecedented opportunity for critical health information to go viral and spread faster than the epidemic. The WhatsApp Corona Virus Information Hub was launched earlier this week in partnership with the World Health Organization, UNICEF and UNDP. The hub also offers general information to users around the world to reduce the spread of rumors and to link accurate health information.