The first look poster of the movie ‘Roy’ starring Suraj has been released. ‘Roy’ is a new film written and directed by Sunil Ibrahim after Chapters, Arikil Oral, and Why. The first look poster of the movie was shared by Suraj himself on Facebook. Jayesh Mohan is the cinematographer. Production Controller-Javed Chem, Production Design-M Bawa, Make-up-Amal Chandran, Costume Design-Ramya Suresh, Editor-V Sajan, Stills-Cinet Xavier, Advertising-Fune Media, Associate Director-MR Vibin, Suhail Ibrahim, Sameer S News Propaganda-AS Dinesh.
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Navya Nair
Navya Nair, is an Indian movie actress who has starred in Malayalam, Tamil, and Kannada movies.