The short film ‘Karkida Varu’ directed by PK Vishnu has been selected for the Lift of Global Network Sessions Film Festival in England. Karkitaka Varu was selected for the first-time filmmaker session at the fair.
The fair opens on November 22 at Pinewood Studios in England. The length of the short film produced by Kora Pictures is 23 minutes. The script of the film has been written by the director himself. The background music for the short film is composed by Sarath Krishnan and a famous rap musician known as ‘Pakarchavyadhi’. The film is set in a completely rural setting and stars newcomers.
The background of the film is some of the events that take place among the village children and their subsequent journey. Cinematography: Mithin Mahesh, Deepak, Kiran. Associate Directors: Niji Lucy Antony, Vijay V. Art Director: Viswanathan PV, Abhiraj, Amal KS, Harikrishnan, Editing: Sajeesh Namboothiri. Recording and Final Mixing: Richard Anthikkad. Subtitles: Sanjay Sreenivas, Sachin Anand.