Thiruvananthapuram: Many travelers from Thiruvananthapuram to Ernakulam commutes daily for official purposes. Many trains departing from Thiruvananthapuram have an AC chair car travel is often a hassle. And many special trains, including Janshatabdi, are canceled by the railways. Travel time is often longer than bus travel. Arriving in Ernakulam before 10:00 am is a must for those going for work etc. As a solution to this, KSRTC has started non-stop AC on Thiruvananthapuram – Ernakulam route. Starting multi-axle service.
In the return direction, the train will leave Thiruvananthapuram at 5:30 am and reach Ernakulam Junction at 9:30 am. The train will leave Ernakulam at 9:30 am and return to Thiruvananthapuram at 22:00 hrs.
Visit www.online.keralartc.com to reserve tickets for this service in advance.