Thiruvananthapuram: State Health Minister Veena George said the test guidelines have been revised based on TPR in Local Self Areas. The Covid tests will be increased based on the covid cases in the local self area.
The tests are performed on an average of one week. If one-week TPR is above 30 percent, the number of cases in the last three days is ten times higher. In other words, if there are 100 cases in 3 consecutive days, 3000 triples of 300 tests will be performed daily. The minister also said that the test will change as it decreases.
If one-week TPR is in between 20 and 30 percent of the cases will be examined six times in the last three days. If one-week TPR is in between 20 and 20 percent of cases will be tripled in the last three days. Antigen, RTPCR, and other tests are performed on all three groups.
The District Surveillance Unit will analyze the situation in the Municipality, Corporation, and Panchayat / Ward and determine the target for inspection.
Institutions, industrial establishments, factories, institutions, and specific areas that require further monitoring may be instructed to monitor nearby health facilities. Mobile testing labs can also be used if required.