Thiruvananthapuram: The main accused in the diplomatic gold smuggling case Swapna Suresh has been released from jail. Swapna Suresh, who has been lodged in the Attakkulangara jail in Thiruvananthapuram for a year and four months, was released on bail in six cases. Swapna Suresh’s mother Prabha Suresh had reached the jail around 11 am and handed over the court orders. After completing the bail process and the jail proceedings, Swapna was released at 11.30 am after a medical examination. Swapna has not commented on the release. She went to her house in Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram with her mother. She was granted bail for two days this month in a gold smuggling case. But the court proceedings, as well as the delay in posting bail to jail, were all delayed by three days. Swapna has been released on a bond of Rs. 25 lakh and two equivalent sureties.
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