Kochi: Kochi DCP KS Sudarshanan said that the film stars who visited Omprakash’s Miri in connection with the drug case will be questioned.
Interrogation will be done after more evidence is available. The DCP clarified that all those named in the remand report will be questioned. He also said that he will inquire about the DJ party. Drugs seized from Om Prakash’s room have been sent for testing. Further action will be taken after the test result.
According to the police remand report, film stars Prayaga Martin and Srinath Bhasi visited Omprakash’s room. The names of Srinath Bhasi and Prayaga were noticed in the police register at the hotel on Sunday. Om Prakash also confirmed that both of them had visited him during interrogation. The question that arises is in what context these movie stars are related to the criminal Omprakash. It is clear from this that the investigation of the case will extend to the film sector as well. But the police do not say that the stars are in any way related to the drug case. Omprakash and others were taken into custody from a luxury hotel in Kochi on Sunday based on a secret information received by the Excise.