Thiruvananthapuram: Health Minister Veena George said that no new Nipah cases have been reported in the last 4 days. The minister said that the condition of the 9-year-old boy and 3 others under treatment is satisfactory and the spread of the disease has been prevented, but he has not been fully relieved. Contagion occurred only at the primary source. The treated baby became more responsive but was not transferred from the ICU. Out of a total of 323 samples tested so far, 317 are negative. 994 people are in isolation. 11 people are in isolation at Kozhikode Medical College. The health minister informed that the spread of the disease has been prevented and henceforth there will be a permanent surveillance system.
No new Nipah cases for 4 days; It was possible to stop the spread of the disease: Health Minister
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