Palakkad: Milma Milk’s recommendation to increase milk price by Rs 8.57 per liter will be submitted to the government tomorrow. According to Milma’s recommendation, the price hike should be implemented by the 21st of this month.
MILMA has made the recommendation based on the interim report of the expert committee appointed to study milk price hike. Milma’s decision was taken at an emergency meeting held today at Kallepully, Palakkad to discuss the price increase. Representatives from three unions came to the meeting.
The committee gave a report to Milma that the demand of the farmers should be increased by Rs.7 to Rs.8 per liter. According to the report, only if the price of milk is increased, the farmer will get at least six rupees after commission etc. Last time, the farmers had complained to the committee that even when the price of milk was increased by four rupees, it did not help.