Thiruvananthapuram: Anil Nedumangad, a well – known Malayalam film actor and television presenter, has passed away at the age of 48. The incident took place while bathing in the Malankara reservoir in Thodupu. He went for a bath with his friends during the shooting. The stepping stone to Anil P Nedumangad’s film was in 2014 with Rajeev Ravi’s Steve Lopez. Anil’s role as a villain in the 2016 film Kammattipadam marked a turning point in his acting career. Anil Nedumangad played the role of a police officer in the movie Ayyappanum Koshyum. Anil Nedumangad has acted in more than 30 films in various roles. He educated at Nedumangad Manja High School, Thiruvananthapuram MG College, and School of Drama.
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