Kochi: Cyber expert Sai Shankar has been arrested by the crime branch in connection with a conspiracy to murder the investigating officers in the actress’ assault case. He was hiding in Puttaparthi in Andhra Pradesh. He was arrested for helping to destroy information from Dileep’s phone.
Sai Shankar had admitted that his phone information had not been destroyed and had been transferred to another location. Later, the Crime Branch filed a report against him in the Aluva court.
Sai Shankar was booked yesterday for destroying evidence on the phones of Dileep and other accused and hiding important information from the probe team. The crime branch has found that Sai Shankar destroyed the phone details of Dileep and the other accused.
Conspiracy case: Sai Shankar arrested by the crime branch
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Aishwarya Rajesh
Aishwarya Rajesh is an Indian movie actress, who mainly works in Malayalam and Tamil movies .3