Thiruvananthapuram: The Crime Branch has started an investigation into the AKG Center attack. The crime branch team reached the AKG center and conducted an inspection. A team led by Crime Branch DYSP Jalil Thottil is conducting the investigation. The case was transferred to the crime branch after the special investigation team that investigated the AKG center attack could not find the accused.
The investigation team reached the AKG center and conducted a site inspection. Those interrogated by the Special Investigation Team will be re-interrogated. The CCTV footage handed over by the investigation team will be sent for scientific examination and the information on the phones operating on the mobile towers in the area at the time of the attack will be collected. Owners of anything that looks unusual will be summoned and questioned. The attack on AKG Center took place between 11.23 and 11.24 pm on June 30.
AKG center attack; Crime branch has started the investigation
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