Hyderabad: Actor Allu Arjun has been arrested in connection with the death of a woman in a stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2. The Hyderabad police arrested the actor from his residence in Jubilee Hills. The police had registered a case against Allu Arjun in the case. Allu Arjun had approached the Telangana High Court yesterday seeking cancellation of the case registered against him. The arrest came after this.
The incident took place on Wednesday night, December 4, at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. Revathi (39), a native of Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad, died. Revathi, who had come to watch the premiere show with her husband Bhaskar and sons Tej and Saanvi, fell unconscious on the ground in the stampede. People fell outside Revathi and her condition deteriorated. She was taken to the hospital but could not be saved. Revathi’s husband and sons were injured. They are undergoing treatment.
A large crowd of fans had gathered in front of the theater as part of the movie’s release at 11 pm. Meanwhile, the excitement of the fans was overwhelming when the hero of the movie, Allu Arjun, his family and director Sukumar unexpectedly arrived at the theater. The police could not control the people who tried to enter the theater. With this, the police lathi-charged. The clash between the police and the people resulted in the accident.
Three people, including the theater owner, had been arrested earlier in the incident. The Hyderabad police arrested the owner of the Sandhya theater where the accident occurred, Sandeep, senior manager Nagaraju, and manager Vijay Chandra. Allu Arjun had said that he had informed the owners and the police about his arrival at the theater and had instructed them to make arrangements. However, the police had said that the star had arrived without warning and this had caused more trouble.