New Delhi: The central government has banned eight YouTube channels for spreading misinformation about India. The action is alleged to have spread false information related to national security, foreign relations, etc. According to a statement released by the Ministry of Communications, the channels with 114 crore viewers and 85 lakh subscribers have been banned. Seven Indian channels and one Pakistani channel were banned.
Meanwhile, channels with a total of 114 crore viewers and 85 lakh subscribers have been banned. Lok Tantra TV (12.90 lakh subscribers), U&V TV (10.20 lakh subscribers), AM Ras V (95,900 subscribers), Gauravshali Pawan Mithilanchal (7 lakh subscribers), Sarkari Update (80,900 subscribers) Sab Kuch Dekko (19.40 lakh subscribers), etc channels from India. News Ki Dunia (97,000 subscribers) is a channel from Pakistan.
The central government has said that the content of these channels is intended to spread mutual hatred between religious groups in India. Many of the videos on the banned channels carry fake propaganda such as the government ordering religious structures to be disputed, the government banning religious celebrations, and declaring a religious war in India. Such content has the potential to create communal disunity and disrupt public order in the country, the Information and Broadcasting Ministry said in a statement.
Eight YouTube News Channels Banned
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