Thiruvananthapuram: Various organizations of doctors and teachers will boycott the OP today in protest of the Central Council of Indian Medicine’s order that ayurvedic postgraduates can undergo various types of surgeries.
The KGMCTA, an association of medical college teachers, said the move was part of a decision by various committees under the Justice Commission to unify the various treatment modalities unscientifically.
From 6 am to 6 pm today, will boycott all work except Covid treatment of patients, emergency services, emergency surgeries, labor room, inpatient care, and ICU care. The KGMCTA state committee demanded that the central government immediately reverse the decision without pushing doctors across the country into protest.
KGMCTA-led medical college teachers will also boycott the OP today in protest of the Central Council of Indian Medicine’s order that ayurvedic postgraduates can undergo various surgeries. The IMA had declared a nationwide boycott of all jobs except emergency treatment and Covid treatment. KGMCTA state committee president Dr. S Binoy and secretary Dr. Nirmal Bhaskar said that medical college doctors in Kerala would take part in the strike led by KGMCTA.
Leaders of the struggle said that the medical community, which has not received any training in anesthesia, blood banking, and other drugs for surgery, should see how it can proceed with various types of surgeries, as well as the fact that villagers are getting substandard treatment when they seek such unscientific shortcuts to treat people in the villages.